5 Fresh Tips to Help Protect Your Energy with Energy Healer Candice Erickson-Perham

Learning how to protect your energy can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you protect your energy with energy healer Candice Erickson-Perham.

As a certified Emotion Code and Body Code practitioner, I specialize in facilitating transformative experiences for my clients. I find immense joy in helping individuals release their heartwalls, witnessing profound shifts in their lives and relationships. Are you burdened by others' emotions, grappling with unseen pain, or feeling disconnected from your authentic self? It's time to reclaim your power. Embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery through the powerful modalities of energy healing, Emotion Code, and Body Code. Together, let's pave the way for your transformative and empowering experience.

You can learn more about Candice Erickson-Perham on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to help you protect your energy:

  1. The Power of Energetic Boundaries: Creating boundaries is not just about saying "no" to others; it's about saying "yes" to yourself. Think of your energy as a precious resource that deserves to be protected and respected. Visualize placing yourself in a bubble. This bubble covers you from head to toe and is as big as you need it to be. This bubble repels all negativity and allows all good vibes to flow through it easily. This bubble protects your energy from anyone or anything attaching to you.

  2. Harness the Energy of Crystals: Crystals have been used for centuries for their healing and protective properties. By wearing or carrying certain crystals like black tourmaline, hematite, or amethyst, you can create a shield of energetic protection around yourself. These stones act as energetic sponges, absorbing and transmuting negative energies into positive ones, leaving you feeling more grounded and balanced.

  3. Tap into the Power of Essential Oils: Essential oils are not only fragrant but also potent tools for energy protection. Oils like sage, frankincense, and lavender have been used for centuries in spiritual practices for their cleansing and purifying properties. Create your own protective blend by mixing a few drops of your favorite oils with a carrier oil and apply it to your pulse points or diffuse it in your living space to create a barrier against negative energies.

  4. Call Upon Archangel Michael for Protection: In many spiritual traditions, Archangel Michael is considered the protector and defender against negative energies. Whether you believe in angels or not, calling upon Archangel Michael can be a powerful symbolic gesture to ask for protection and guidance. Simply close your eyes, visualize a shield of blue light surrounding you, and ask Archangel Michael to stand guard and protect your energy from any harm or negativity.

  5. Practice Grounding Exercises: Grounding techniques help you connect with the Earth's energy and anchor yourself in the present moment. Try activities like walking barefoot on grass or sand, gardening, or simply sitting with your feet planted firmly on the ground. These practices can help dissipate excess energy and promote a sense of stability and security


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