Authentic Empowerment LLC

A little about Arissan…

Arissan is a career and mindset coach helping women approach the job search process from the inside out. She believes finding the job of your dreams begins with understanding yourself first. Coming from a background of multiple career pivots, she has traversed switching industries with no idea what she wanted to do or a network to support her. She knows what it feels like to work until burnout, be under-resourced, overworked, and underpaid. Now, through 1:1 coaching and workshops, she is using her knowledge and expertise to help women who are exhausted, overwhelmed, and unhappy at their job find the confidence they need to make a career change.


Certified Life Coach

Certified Peer Mediator

4th Degree Taekwondo Black Belt


Arissan Nicole is an incredible coach. As a result of our work together I made over $20,000 in my new business. She gave excellent, excellent advice and I frequently felt like she had the perfect balance of getting into the emotional mindset stuff and getting into the really practical things that actually lead to results. So, anyone looking for a career coach, I highly, highly recommend her. - Adrienne R.W. (Actor, Writer, Producer)

When Arissan and I first started our coaching journey, I had just lost my dad three months prior, and was grieving and drifting in my life. I wasn't on the right track with my life and my career, I was putting on weight and I needed change but didn't know which way to go. I was feeling very alone and didn't trust myself and what I wanted to do because I was made to feel like what I wanted was weird or it wasn't cool to do what I want to do. So just talking with Arissan made me realize that I wasn't wrong for wanting what I want for myself (for listening to my voice). I thought that I was going to see breakthrough working with Arissan, but I didn't think it would be like this. I have literally waited for the courage to do this for the last four years. I was nervous and unsure but in a strange way, I felt ready for a change. I felt excited. I was letting life happen to me and now I am proud to say where I am going. I am showing people my life coaching section on the website. I have NEVER felt proud of where I worked and what I did but now I do. I don't want to hide it because it's really awesome and I feel more in control of my life. My coaching experience with Arissan was eye opening, powerful and life-changing. - Rhonda J.

I felt a little nervous going into the session and also thought I had already "figured out" most of the details of the transition I wanted to speak with Arissan about. I came out of the session realizing there were so many truths that I was hiding even from myself. It was powerful to uncover those and to be approaching this next phase of my personal and professional life with this understanding and with some clear goals. The experience was heart opening, pivotal, and transformative. - Jen F.


Emily Clancy LoPorto, SERHANT.


Lauren Perreault | Connect with Lauren