Happiness Looks Good On You

Accountability Coach

Francesca Panebianco | she/her/hers

☎️: 516.743.5991

💌: Chesca07@aol.com

instagram: coachfrancesca014

📍Long Island, New York | Remote ✅ (via Phone)

A little about Francesca…

Help people find happiness within themselves. Improve mindsets, Spread Love, Kindness & help people succeed above their own expectations. Help people show up in their lives the way they want, & are proud to be who they are.


Certified Professional Coach (CPC), Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP)


My life before working with Francesca was chaotic, I felt built up anger and anxiety. I found Francesca when I listened to Long Island Ladies pod cast, she was featured on one of the episodes. One of my experiences that stood out to me was that Francesca showed me empathy, understanding, and I didn’t feel judged. Since working with Francesca, I have acquired the tools to use in order to show up how I want and need to move forward in my life. Choosing Francesca’s services has been extremely beneficial for my life because my life was not going in a positive direction and now it is. If you are on the fence about hiring Francesca for her services, I would tell you this, if you are feeling sad, angry, or any type of negative feelings and you want to move forward in a healthy positive direction then I highly recommend using Francesca’s services. Like she always says to me “if you want a change you need to make a change”. My experience working with Francesca as my coach has truly changed my life for the better. I love that she never tells me what to do and helps me figure out what I want to do. - Elizabeth


Just BE, LLC


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