5 Ways to Empower Yourself for a Fresh Start in the New Year

Heading into a New Year can sometimes seem overwhelming, so we asked empowerment coach Kristin Micalizzi for her tips on entering a New Year feeling strong. You can learn more about Kristin and her coaching here. Check out an Instagram Live with Kristin where she gives tips for feeling empowered!

Historically our society has marked the start of a new calendar year as a time for new beginnings. At the end of the year, we are inundated with ideas for New Year’s resolutions and tips for setting goals. It can be both a simultaneously exciting and overwhelming prospect. For many people who are also going through life changes or challenges, it can seem nearly impossible to know where to start. There are some simple, yet effective strategies you can use to feel more empowered as you enter the New Year. Here are 5 ways to empower yourself for a Fresh Start in the New Year - which one of these resonates the most with you?

Reflect on the closing year.

Take time to think about and journal all the things, big and small, that went well for you during the last year. List your accomplishments and highlight the ones you are most proud of. Write about what you learned from these successes. Putting effort into celebrating our wins shifts our mindset to focus on what we are doing well. 

Decide what to ditch.

We so often function on autopilot and don’t stop to evaluate the things that are holding us back. We get comfortable in our patterns, even if they are no longer serving us. Take a good look at your behaviors, relationships, and habits and determine which ones are getting in the way of you reaching your goals. The small practice of cleaning out your closet is a great way to kickstart this process. Get rid of what you no longer need so that you can create space for what you are worthy of. 

Get curious.

Start a practice of listening to yourself and turning inward to discover what excites you. Allow yourself to lean into your desires and take inspired action toward what makes you happy. Don’t be afraid to dream big. Maybe you feel called to a new hobby, a business idea, or an adventurous experience. 

Quiet Your Inner Critic

Pay attention to the way that you talk to yourself. What are the common narratives and limiting beliefs that are playing on repeat in your head? What are the stories you tell yourself? Once you uncover them you can start the process of rewriting them. And remember, just because you think a thought that doesn’t mean it’s true. You are not your thoughts, and you can choose a new one whenever you want!

Build Your Community

Find the people who will support and empower you on your journey. Show up in places and spaces as your authentic self and you will start to attract others that match your vibration. We are social beings built to connect, and we are more powerful and fulfilled when we are in community. 


Fresh Starts Registry in the New York Post!


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